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Here are a selection of Java projects I produced while attending college and a Java development course. Must of these were done in the form of applets and previously I would display them, but with concerns over security (speaking in general, my code is rock tight :D), people are less likely to open them so I have chosen to give a description instead. Click on the images to see the source

Training App

As part of a college project we were given some free reign to create a GUI app. I decided I wanted to incororate a graph of some kind and settled on a training app that records stats relating to individual training sessions.

Training App

Java Hit Miss

Loosely based on the game mastermind in which you have six guesses to pick the correct code. Now with extra added hints!

Java Hit Miss

Java Word Count

A nice program that is capable of count the number of words, characters, characters including spaces and paragraphs. The program can also find and highlight a word of your choosing.

Java Word Count

Java Doodle

Ok, I got bored and decided to recreate this program that I originally had to build in Visual Basic. And so threw something together real quick, have to say it was an interesting experience translating from VB to Java.

Java Doodle

Java Guess Word

Simple game where you have eight lives to guess the computer related word and thats unless the clock doesn't get you first.

Word Guess Image

Java Calculator

A very basic calculator that deals only with Integers

Java Calculator

© Bugs and Code 2013